Feng Shui For Your Home
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art if directing positive energy. “Feng Shui” translated is literally “Wind” and “Water”. Wind and water are the two life forces that flow freely on our planet creating the “central life force” known in China as “chi”. Therefore, Feng Shui is basically “Directing “Chi” or “Life Force”” (Positive energy) throughout the home or home addition. Positive “Chi” in the home brings its occupants harmony, regeneration and typically happiness, wealth and good health as well.
7 Feng Shui Guidelines
1. Clear Clutter: Remove all clutter and unwanted furniture, clothes, papers, and knickknacks… and anything you don’t like. Having too much “Stuff” sucks our energy and brings us down- so just get rid of it ALL. You will feel so much better. This includes Garages and Closets! Our homes are a reflection of our lives. Balance at home first and see what happens to your personal life!

2. Stairs and Drains: Make sure your stairway is NOT leading out the front door. We need to keep good energy IN the home. Also, when not in use, also make sure your drains and toilet lids are closed in all your bathrooms.

3.Make your Entranceway BEAUTIFUL: Make it eye-catching inside and out- Make sure you have inspiring objects leading up to the door and at the door, such as a water fountain, flowers, stepping stones, art, etc. Maybe even add a mirror to expand the space. Once inside, the entranceway should be uncluttered, clean, inviting and comfortable. and comfortable.

4. Correct Furniture and Furniture Position: Round eating tables are better than square and rectangular… and every piece of furniture in your home should be comfortable and have a good view. TVs should be in a cabinet and out of view when not in use. Place many pieces of furniture together so they are I relationship to one another. Make sure your back is never to a doorway or entranceway to a room and when you sleep, you should also be able to see the door to your room.

5. Keep your Home Clean at all times: Especially the kitchen. Make sure everything is put away clean and neatly. We know in this busy world (and especially with working moms and growing families), this can be very difficult. But we cannot stress the importance of having a tidy home. Make time to tidy up every day because a clean house will help with the flow of good energy and keep chaotic life much “happier”.

6. Repair anything that is broken or not working: Squeaky door, broken drawer, screens needing replacement, etc. Again, we know your lives are busy, so tell your husband AGAIN to repair or replace broken or un-functioning aspects of your home. By doing these small repairs, your house will have better “Feng Shui” and create a better flow of positive energy.

7. Bring in Nature. Add plants everywhere: In general, all kinds of flowers and plants emit a positive energy and cleanse the air and thus, they contribute immensely to the positive flow of “Chi” throughout a home. Adding lots of plants to each room not only provides fresh clean oxygen, but is known also to counteract “Bad energy” or stagnant energy in a room. 3 or 9 plants in a room seem to be more “chi”, but BEWARE: Don’t keep dead or dying plants in your home! Keep your house plants alive by feeding and watering regularly- but if they aren’t doing well- discard them immediately- for having dying/dead plants in your home will create the opposite of “Chi” which is “Negative energy”. Also, on that note, no “thorny” plants either.
Examples of good plants:
Bamboo, any types of palms, lilies, jade plants, fichus, and all hanging plants… especially plants with pink flowers.